Kirchdorfer Group, Elkuch Group and Biprotec GmbH revolutionize the safety of rescue doors in tunnel construction. A concrete core in the tunnel door reduces deformation in the event of fire and increases fatigue strength – the durability under alternating pressure and suction loads.

The door panels with a concrete core are produced by Kirchdorfer Concrete Solutions, the precast concrete division of the Kirchdorfer Group, and completed by Elkuch to form a complex tunnel door with a frame. They will be used for the first time in the Great Belt Tunnel (Slagelse – Nyborg), where the first 60 double-leaf tunnel doors will be installed in summer 2023.

The seals are an important prerequisite for preventing burning or smoking through into the safe rescue tunnel in the event of a fire. These remain intact for longer thanks to the reduced deformation of the innovative solution with concrete core! Previous tests have confirmed a fire resistance classification ofEI2120. This value confirms that the room closure (E) and thermal insulation (I) are still fulfilled at 1050°C and a dwell time of 120 minutes. Gerhard Rinnhofer, F&E Kirchdorfer Concrete Solutions, assumes that “the limits have by no means been reached here.“

Biprotec Managing Director Robert Binder “sees the durability in terms of corrosion as a further advantage of the tunnel door with concrete core developed together with Kirchdorfer Concrete Solutions.”

Tunnel door with concrete core
The tunnel door with concrete core has withstood previous tests at 1050°C
for 120 minutes without any problems (=EI2120).
© Kirchdorfer Group



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The motto here is ‘Recycling old tires instead of disposing of them.’ In Ohlsdorf, Upper Austria, the only used tire recycling plant in Austria is located. Kias Recycling GmbH, a joint venture between ART and the Kirchdorfer Group, supplies this valuable alternative fuel for our cement plant. This plant is renowned globally for its cleanest cement production.


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Fish ladders assist fish in overcoming barriers such as dams or hydroelectric power plants. The unique Kirchdorfer fish passage system is a clever prefabricated system, much like LEGO blocks. In Austria, it has been used to build the highest fish passage in Europe.


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In 2023, our joint venture Martini Beton renovated its office building. The exterior transformation resulted in an integrated PV facade that annually produces environmentally friendly solar power equivalent to the energy consumption of around 50 single-family homes.


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